Waters | Nonlinear Dynamics

Progenesis LC-MS

A unique approach for label-free LC-MS data analysis
Quantify and identify the significant proteins in your experiment…

Step 6. Next steps

The in-depth tutorial for Progenesis LC-MS As you have seen, the Progenesis LC‑MS workflow is simple enough to learn the basics quickly. However, there is much more depth and greater control available in many of the screens we've visited. The video tutorials and FAQs contain more information.

Comprehensive user guide

There's also a pair of more detailed user guides available for you to download; one for fractionated samples and one for non-fractionated. They covers all aspects of the relevant Progenesis LC‑MS workflows in a single document, making them a handy reference that you can print out. Download them here:

Analysing your own data

Finally, if you're evaluating the software, you will probably want to see how well it performs with your own data. For more information on how to obtain the necessary licences, please contact us.

Talk to us

We hope you enjoy using the software and we welcome any comments and questions you have. We would also be more than happy to demonstrate the software at your lab; just ask for a demo.


The Progenesis Team