Waters | Nonlinear Dynamics

Progenesis QI for proteomics

The next generation in LC-MS proteomics data analysis software.
Discover the significantly changing proteins in your samples.


How do I use the QC metrics missed cleavages chart?

This chart shows the proportional distribution of missed cleavages per identified peptide ion, across the whole experiment.

This chart is plotted assuming that proteins were treated with trypsin, and using each peptide ion’s highest scoring identification. An alternative visualisation showing the data subdivided by experimental condition is available in the Sample preparation metrics section.

In this case, the interpretation is relatively straightforward – an unusually high proportion of missed cleavages may indicate problems with trypsinisation. It should also be noted that identification parameters (for example, missed cleavages allowed) will naturally affect this chart, limiting the potential values taken.

The (Overview) Missed cleavages chart.

The (Overview) Missed cleavages chart.

See also