This is the standard format produced by Agilent Q-TOF and TOF Mass Spectrometers. Each sample run is contained within a separate .d folder.
Before using this plugin
You must install .NET Framework 4.7.2 before you can use this plugin. The latest Agilent libraries require this but it is not installed by default by Progenesis. Many PCs already have this installed but if you are unsure we recommend downloading the .NET Framework 4.7.2 Runtime installer from Microsoft and installing it.
How to use this plugin
To select samples to import, first click Browse to select the parent folder containing your .d folders:
The .d folders within the parent will then be shown in the Open Agilent Q-TOF folders dialog's list box, allowing you to select those you wish to import.
This importer uses ProteoWizard to access the data in the Agilent .d folders, and installs the ProteoWizard libaries as part of this data importer