If you find that either:
then you can edit the compound's set of ions.
If you wish to add an ion to the current compound, right-click with the mouse within the ion's outline in the deconvolution matrix.
From the context menu, select Add to compound. Provided the ion has the correct charge for the relevant adduct, it will be added to the selected compound and removed from its previous compound. Where this changes the selected compound from a single-ion compound to a multi-ion compound, the deconvolution matrix will change accordingly (it will switch to the single row view).
To remove an ion from a compound, right-click within the ion you wish to remove and select Remove from compound from the context menu. The adduct form will be removed and, if only one ion remains in the compound, the decomvolution matrix will switch to its grid view, indicating that the remaining adduct form can no longer be determined.