TransOmics™ Informatics works with a wide variety of machine types. For most instrument types, the default ion detection method in TransOmics™ Informatics should be used. For low resolution ion trap instruments, the specialised low resolution detection method option should be used.
Data may be in either profile or centroided forms, although you will usually get better results using profile data. Additionally, if you use centroided data you will be asked to enter the full width at half maximum (FWHM) resolution of the machine on which the data was collected.
TransOmics™ Informatics directly supports many of the most common data formats produced by mass-spec machines. It also offers an extension mechanism by which new formats can be supported.
The following list gives the various file formats currently supported, both those that are pre-packaged with the software and others that can be downloaded to extend your existing software:
Currently, other formats should be converted to mzML or mzXml.