Waters | Nonlinear Dynamics

Progenesis LC-MS

A unique approach for label-free LC-MS data analysis
Quantify and identify the significant proteins in your experiment…

Supported data file formats

Thermo (Xcalibur) .RAW files

Support for this format is provided as standard but an Updated version is availible to support files from Velos machines.

This is the standard format produced by Thermo Mass Spectrometers.

To load data in this format you must have Xcalibur or Thermo's MSFileReader libraries correctly installed. If Xcalibur is installed and you are still unable to import .RAW files or if you are unable to install Xcalibur with a 64-bit operating system, see the .RAW files troubleshooting page for more help.

See also

More data file formats supported by Progenesis LC-MS.